If you are sexually active and are thinking about starting a relationship, you should be aware of the ITS symptoms. ITS is an infection that can be transmitted to a partner. There are a number of causes of this condition. These include Gonorrhoeae, Tricomoniasis, and Vaginosis bacteriana. There are also treatments available.

Enfermedades De Transmisión Sexual
Enfermedades De Transmisión Sexual

Tricomoniasis causes ITS

Tricomoniasis is an opportunistic disease that can occur in the genitals. In most cases, this infection is not contagious, but it can lead to other problems, including genital itching and vaginal discharge. This infection is usually treated with large doses of antibiotics.

Infection with Tricomoniasis is spread through sexual activity. The parasite infects the lower genital tract, causing irritation in the vagina and vulva of women and the opening to the uterus (cervix) in men. As a result, this condition can make the spread of other STIs and HIV easier.

Tricomoniasis increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. If the infection is not treated, the patient can develop other STIs, such as gonorrhea and HIV. The infection can also lead to other problems, such as epididymitis or prostatitis, and may impair fertility in men. Pregnant women are also at risk for developing trichomoniasis if it is not treated. However, treatment is very simple. Treatment is available and the infection usually clears up within a week. However, if a person is sexually active for a long time, the infection can reoccur.

Gonorrhoeae causes ITS

Gonorrhoeae infections are common and increasing in most countries, but the prevalence and progression of infections are not well understood. Infections can be asymptomatic or cause significant complications. There are many factors that contribute to the spread of gonorrhoea, including geography and social factors, such as stigma and lack of health care access.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a diplococcal bacterium, characterized by its kidney-like appearance. It belongs to the family Neisseriaceae and is a member of the Betaproteobacteria. This genus has 23 species, and most are restricted to human mucosal surfaces.

Gonorrhoeae is transmitted through unprotected vaginal intercourse. The rate of transmission is higher in women than in men, and transmission is more likely from man to woman. It is also transmitted via the ejaculate, which contains millions of bacteria.


Sexually transmitted infections can be treated in a variety of ways, with proper diagnosis being key to the best outcomes. The proper diagnosis allows for appropriate treatment right from the start, and helps prevent antibiotic resistance. This is especially important in the context of sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment is available for many sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Worldwide, more than 1 million people contract STIs every day, and the majority of cases are asymptomatic. However, drug resistance is a key threat to reducing the overall STI burden worldwide. There are approximately 30 different pathogens that are spread through sexual contact. These infections are a serious health risk, and they can lead to pregnancy complications, infertility, and other consequences.