Phone dating is such a wonderful way to connect with singles who also live in your area and enjoy similar things. You may have met someone on the chat lines and you’ve had a few conversations over the phone and like her a bunch and think it’s time to move it from light chatter to sexy time. A few good ways to gage your phone friend’s interest in phone sex with you are: 1. Be direct and just ask them, 2. Ask a series of questions about sex and see how your phone friend responds.

Being direct is the most straightforward way to find out if you and your phone partner are on the same page. By asking them if they are interested in moving in the direction of phone sex with you helps you gage their interest and dating needs. If you want to know and are not good with questions you could use this method but it can come off blunt depending on your specific situation.
It is recommended to go with the second option and ask questions about sex to see how your new friend responds. This is also a cool option because there are questions that can get both parties aroused if they so choose. It also helps you discover more about yourself and your phone partner and make a decision about phone sex. Some of these questions include: Have you ever been caught masturbating? When was the last time you masturbated? Have you ever used a sex toy in bed? Do you like it when I’m submissive or would you rather have me leading things? These kinds of questions not only open the conversation about sex but they are also leading questions, which can call for stories. Sexy stories can turn both people on.
Give these options a try the next time you want to turn your phone friend into a phone sex playtime!