Are you tired of dealing with the nonsense that is online dating? Does it seem that it’s just a text messaging war with no means of going anywhere? Do flakey online potential matches that agree to go on a date but never show up, or cancel last minute surround you? If any of these things are currently happening you I am so sorry. This was happening to me too about a year and a half ago and then I made the switch to phone dating.

Phone dating is simple, often free, and it’s amazing how many singles you can actually connect with that live in your area. People are available to chat with you about a whole bunch of subjects and there are every kind of person available personality and sexuality wise.
Individuals that use phone dating are less flaky because when you start making a genuine connection with someone, people do not just let them go. You build a relationship based on honesty and who you are, and what your shared interests are and not about looks or status. Many of the phone friends you may meet could be your friend for a very long time. People are often less judgmental and honest about what they want.
What’s great about phone dating is that you don’t have to wait around to connect with someone, you are on the phone talking with a person in moments and you can tell if it is a good match or not quickly. If it’s not a good fit, simply end the call and connect with someone else.
I have made so many new friends and am not in a relationship that’s been steady for over two years. I have to give it to phone dating because there is just no other way of dating I would return to.